cohesiveness is paramount. all must work as one. from paint color to linens.
interior Great fireplace. nice beams for contrast. floor. colors
interior Everything.
interior Ceilings. beams. fireplace battens. colors. floors
interior Extremely simple room but the beams elevate it to another level. nice
interior Simple room but powerful with the substantial beams and black windows and decorative elements on the shelves
interior Ceilings. beams. windows. large door at end. colors
interior Awesome fireplace
interior Textural walls. color. simplicity
interior Sliding chalkboard door. white windows and walls in contrast with ceilings
interior The power of ceiling height. very successful room with its ecclectisism
interior Simple room but rustic ceilings make it great. windows in black with white trim
interior Great beams. fireplace
interior Wainscot. color windows
interior How reclaimed elements can make a room feel inviting
interior Fireplace and hearth
interior Wainscot. color choices. ceiling texture. floors